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Future City of Somalia

Future City of Somalia


The war in Somalia explained

An hour ago I was channel surfing on TV, and flipped past that movie “Blackhawk Down," which says the USA was in Somalia (Dec 1991) to prevent a “humanitarian crisis.”
What a sick joke.
As you read this, there’s a U.S.-sponsored war to steal the oil in Sudan and Somalia. During the last three months, more people have been displaced in Somalia than anywhere else in the world, including Iraq.
The basic U.S strategy is to start wars that cause nations to break into smaller nations that can be bribed, controlled, and opened up for private oil companies. Iraq is being broken up. Somalia is about to be broken up. Sudan will follow. The United Nations says the war, combined with severe droughts and floods, has created a humanitarian crisis that surpasses the disaster in the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan.
Currently the US gets only 10 percent of its oil from Africa, but this percentage will grow as Venezuela and other countries start to cut off the USA.
Africa is reckoned to hold around 95 billion barrels of crude oil (about 8% of the world's total), which is only enough to run the world (in terms of its total oil consumption) for about three years. However Africa’s oil will become more significant as prices continue to climb. Most of the profits do not improve the lot of the indigenous populations, because private oil companies steal all the money. The only people who benefit are warlords and dictators on the oil companies’ payroll.
Immediately after the Bush regime engineered 9-11, a U.S. military base was set up in Djibouti to support the East African oil grab. Djibouti is a small country that neighbors Somalia. From here the USA controls the flow of oil tankers and other cargoes through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
Meanwhile, oil companies keep their greasy fingers in as many foreign pies as possible. Turn over any rock in an African desert, and you'll find an oilman. Examine almost any war, genocide, or famine in Africa, and you’ll see foreign oil or mining companies behind it. Fortunately the U.S. masses condone any atrocity that’s part of the global oil grab “war on terror," and is designed to destroy the (fictional) "al Qaeda."
I’ll put the “Blackhawk Down” movie into perspective by making a little timeline for the bloody U.S. oil grab in Somalia. This information was gathered in bits and pieces from numerous different web sites.
Don’t confuse Somalia with Sudan. I’ll make a timeline for the Darfur / Sudan oil grab later.
Some of the following will only make sense if you refer to this map. You might have to scroll back up to it several times. Somaliland will be the next province to go the way of Kurdish Iraq.

1898 -- British and Italian colonial geologists find oil deposits in Somalia.
1960s -- first oil wells drilled in Daga Shabell (Mogadishu area). Tiny gas discoveries also noted adjacent to area called Socotra.
June 27, 1977 -- Republic of Djibouti (on Somalia’s northern border) gains independence from France. The tribes in this region have had close contacts with the Arabian Peninsula for more than 1,000 years, and were among the first on the African continent to accept Islam. Djibouti regularly takes part in Islamic affairs and Arab meetings. Every town has a mosque. Tombs of former religious leaders are sacred. Population is 444,000 (94 percent Muslim, 6 percent Christian). The two dominant ethnic groups are the Afar and the Issa. The Issa are in power today, propped up by the USA. Djibouti’s economy is based on service activities connected with the country's strategic location (Horn of Africa) and its status as a free trade zone. Two-thirds of Djibouti’s inhabitants live in Djibouti City, the capitol. The rest are mostly nomadic herders.
1984 – Texas-based Hunt Oil (an oil exploration company) starts drilling in Yemen. Yemen’s estimated one billion barrels of oil reserves are part of a great underground rift that arches across the Gulf of Aden into Somalia. Ray Hunt is a lifelong friend of the Bush family. He tells U.S. Vice President George Bush Senior that Somalia has oil. Hunt Oil Company is now drilling in Kurdish Northern Iraq.
April 1986 -- Vice President George Bush Senior personally dedicates Hunt Oil’s new $18-million refinery near the ancient Yemeni town of Marib.
1986 -- Conoco, Amoco, Chevron, Phillips (and, briefly, Shell) get exploration rights in Somalia from Mohamed Siad Barre, a U.S.–installed dictator. Somalia is carved up into blocs. Conoco, Amoco, Chevron, and Phillips get the best ones. All four companies (especially Houston-based Conoco) have intimate connections with the Bush dynasty.
1988 – Bush Senior is “elected” U.S. President
Meanwhile the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank finance a regional hydrocarbon study of the countries bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The study will last three years, and is backed by the governments of Britain, France and Canada, plus several Western oil companies.
January 1991 – The people of Somalia overthrow the corrupt U.S.-installed dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. Somalia plunges into chaos, with several militas vying for control. A month before Barre leaves, he lets Conoco Oil of Texas have control of two thirds of Somalia’s oil fields. Chevron, Amoco, and Philips also get the rights to Somalia’s oil, but first they must destroy all resistance. (Conoco and Phillips later merged, as did Amoco and British Petroleum.)
When Barre is overthrown, the Conoco office in Mogadishu Somalia becomes the defacto U.S embassy. The other oil companies temporarily move out. Bush Senior’s leading man in Somalia, Robert D. Oakley, becomes “oil czar.”
September 1991 – Irish geologist Thomas E. O’Connor, (the World Bank’s principal petroleum engineer) finishes his hydrocarbon study of East Africa. He presents his findings in a three-day conference in London of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Eastern Hemisphere group. His presentation encourages private oil companies to move into eight African nations, with Somalia and Sudan at the top of the list. The USA enters a race to kill everyone in Sudan and Somalia, and steal their oil.
October 1991 –Bush Senior engineers a civil war between the Issa and the Afar tribes in Djibouti. This will clear the way for a U.S. military base in Djibouti, which will later be used to attack Somalia.
November 1991 – Bush Senior loses the election to Bill Clinton because the USA was in a recession, and because Bush Senior displeased the Master Race when he briefly thrteatened to cut off U.S. aid to Israel in a futile attempt to broker a peace agreement between Zionists and Palestinians. (Mossad almost assassinatd Bush Senior in Madrid for this.) However Bush has two months left in office, so he immediately (Dec 1991) sends 20,000 troops to Somalia to attack the Islamic resistance. Conoco wants Somalia’s oil, and Bush wants his sons to inherit his mantle. To get the oil companies’ help for his sons, Bush must protect the oil companies’ interests in Somalia. Bush says the troops are on a “humanitarian mission.” He calls this “Operation Restore Hope.”
The U.S. occupying soldiers are resisted by a militia commanded by Farah Aideed, who overthrew the corrupt U.S.-installed dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. Aideed knows the U.S. soldiers are only there to steal the oil and break up Somalia. The episode is later dramatized in the movie “Blackhawk Down,” which shows U.S. soldiers fighting evil dark people. In reality the USA had armed one militia and made it so brutal that Aideed’s militia had to fight back with equal brutality. American moviegoers had no idea who the U.S. troops were killing in the movie.
20 January 1992 – Clinton takes office. He pulls U.S. troops out of Somalia, enraging the oil companies, who will now have to wait until 9-11 for the USA to attack Somalia. The oil companies form an alliance with Ziocons to destroy Clinton. Clinton threatens to stop the oil companies’ planned mergers, so the Ziocons must act alone.
September 1992 – the CIA installs a new constitution in Djibouti (on Somalia’s northern border) and also installs the People's Rally for Progress, a party that has sole power. Chaos in neighboring Somalia continues.
February 2001 – Immediately after the Cheney regime seizes power, it gets the government of Djibouti to let the USA take over a former military barracks of the French Foreign Legion called Camp Lemonier in Djibouti City. The USA begins two years of upgrades and renovations, preparing for the Grand Oil Grab in neighboring Somalia.
11 Sept 01 – Mossad and the Cheney regime attack the World Trade Center, plus the Pentagon, murdering 3,000 Americans (roughly the same amount sacrificed at Pearl Harbor). Cheney starts purging the CIA of anyone who questions him or Rumsfeld. Defense Intelligence Agency personnel replace CIA personnel in most U.S. embassies. The CIA is reduced to mere errand boys who grab people for torture.
18 Jan 2002 -- the movie “Blackhawk Down” is released to American audiences, who are still howling for blood five months after 9-11. The movie does very well. Americans have absolutely no idea who the U.S. soldiers are fighting, but the weapons look cool, and lots of dark-skinned people get blown away (double cool).
19 Oct. 2002 – Cheney forms Combined Joint oil grab Task Force - Horn of Africa, (CJTF-HOA) at Camp Lejeune, NC. (CJTF-HOA) is part of Central Command, which is in charge of stealing all the oil in the Middle East. The global program to steal the world’s oil (and kill anyone who gets in the way) is called “Operation Enduring Freedom” (formerly named “Operation Infinite Justice”). It has operations all over the world, including the Philippines, Thailand, and so on. Anyone who questions it is with “al Qaeda.”
Camp Lemonier in Djibouti becomes part of CJTF-HOA.

6 May 2003 – the first U.S. troops occupy Camp Lemonier.
Today (2007) the base has 1,500 U.S. troops plus 300 civilian personnel, plus some Djibouti workers. The troops are mostly Marines, plus Special Forces units from the Army and Navy, plus AC-130 gun ships operated by the U.S. Air Force, plus a Navy Seabee battalion, an Army C-26 detachment, a Marine heavy-lift helicopter (CH-53) detachment, and a U.S. Navy P-3 detachment (aerial reconnaissance). The camp’s commander is (Jewish) Marine Colonel Gerard Fischer.
Djibouti allows the base because the USA props up the Issa clan. Djibouti is a tiny and impoverished country. U.S. troops have built some schools, clinics and hospitals; drilled and refurbished more than 113 water wells, and given a handful of jobs to upper crust Djiboutis. The troops have also helped with 11 humanitarian assistance missions, including recovery efforts after the collapse of a four-story building in Kenya in 2006, the capsizing of a passenger ferry in Djibouti in 2006, and flooding in Ethiopia and Kenya in 2006. (Such efforts are necessary if you want to remain in a foreign nation and steal all of its natural resources.)
Camp Lemonier adjoins the local Port of Doraleh, which serves warships from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Pakistan, New Zealand, Spain, and England. All these pirate warships patrol the horn of Africa area, stealing whatever they can from passing merchant ships.
Camp Lemonier also supports the Defense Fuel Supply Point (DFSP), which supplies all the fuel for these multinational warships operating around the Horn of Africa.
6 May 2005 -- a U.S. Marine Corps unit lands in Somaliland (see map above) an autonomous and self-declared state in northern Somalia. The Marines start building up Somaliland the way they built up neighboring Djibouti. The plan is to eventually break Somaliland off from Somalia.
June 2005 -- the Islamic Courts Union takes control of the central Somali government. They are opposed to the U.S. oil grab, and they start negotiations with China. Cheney starts making plans to destroy bring democracy to Somalia. (That is, “liberate” the oil from Somalia.) He starts arming Ethiopia's military and preparing it to invade Somalia.
1 July 2006 -- Marine Colonel Gerard Fischer hands over command of Camp Lemonier (Djibouti) to U.S. Navy Captain Robert Fahey. Fischer is reunited with fellow Jews in Washington, and takes a new post at the Marine facility in Quantico, VA.
8 July 2006 – The Navy expands Camp Lemonier in Djibouti from 88 acres to nearly 500 acres (a little less than a square mile). The airstrip is expanded. Housing is built so the Marines no longer have to live in tents. The USA will hold on to the base until the oil runs out in Somalia and the Middle East (or until the USA collapses, whichever comes first).
11 July 2006 – the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) seizes control of Mogadishu, Somalia. The ICU is the main Islamic resistance, although a smaller militia, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) is also grappling for power. The TFG rose in the chaos of 1991, and allied with Cheney and the Ethiopians. Israel has given medical treatment to some TFG children, so Israel can say it is extending “humanitarian service” to the Muslims of Somalia. This makes Israel look good, while helping the Cheney oil grab.
20 July 2006 -- Cheney orders 15,000 Ethiopian troops to invade Somalia. He calls it a “defensive act.” Ethiopia's government is brutal and corrupt (Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has held power for 12 years) and will do anything for cash. Besides, there have been wars between Ethiopia and various Islamic regimes of Somalia since the 1500s. The CIA uses Ethiopian media outlets to say, “Muslims are coming to get you!” U.S. satellite surveillance helps Ethiopian invaders mow down Somalis. Cheney also helps the Somali Transitional Federal Government, which allies with Ethiopian death squads. Again, the main barrier to Cheney’s oil grab (the main Islamic resistance) is the Islamic Courts Union.
November 2006 – Despite superior arms and total U.S. support, the Ethiopians start losing in Somalia. The head of the U.S. Central Command, General John Abizaid, visits Addis Ababa to prop up the Ethiopian governent and promise it more cash. A U.S. Marine detachment arrives in the town of Garissa in Kenya's North Eastern Province, adjoining Somalia. They prepare to invade Somalia.
14 Dec 2006 -- Although U.S. Special Forces soldiers are already in Somalia, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer says the USA has no intention of committing troops to Somalia. Frazer also says the USA is against the Ethiopian invasion (the exact opposite of the truth).
December 20, 2006 – Ethiopians and Somalis clash in the city of Baidoa. The Muslim ICU withdraws. Ethiopians push southeast toward Mogadishu, accompanied by U.S. Special Forces soldiers, who kill everyone they see. Millions of Somalis flee in terror, and become refugees (but have nowhere to go).
21 Dec 2006 -- Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, leader of the Islamic Courts Union, declares Somalia in a state of war.
24 Dec 2006 -- Ethiopia responds by openly declaring itself at war with Somalia.
Jan 2007 -- Ethiopian troops have inflicted massive losses on the Somalis, committing countless atrocities -- but they are exhausted. They tell Cheney they cannot win. They hole up in the U.S. –controlled town of Galkayo. The Muslim ICU still controls coastal areas, and keeps getting reinforcements from other Muslim nations. Cheney frantically searches for reinforcements from neighboring countries, but only Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni offers to help. Museveni sends 1,500 troops, but it's not enough, and they will not arrive in Somalia until March. Cheney will have to attack Somalia directly.
2 Jan 2007 -- “Combined Task Force 150” consists of warships from Canada, France, Germany, Pakistan, England, and the USA. It starts patrolling Somalia’s coast to prevent the Islamic resistance from getting supplies, and to stop anyone from escaping Somalia.
Simultaneously, U.S. Marines operating out of Lamu, assist Kenyan forces in raids into Somalia. (Kenya’s corrupt government is propped up by the USA.)
8 Jan 2007 -- U.S. AC-130 aircraft from Djibouti attack Ras Kamboni in southern Somalia. Hawkeye reconnaissance planes from aircraft carrier aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower provide bomb guidance. The Eisenhower is part of the U.S. Fifth Fleet's maritime task force (Combined Task Force 150) based in Bahrain. The USA also uses UAVs. Ethiopian aircraft also attack Somalia. Bush says it’s all a battle against “al-Qaeda.” Famine becomes far worse in Somalia than Darfur, but the U.S. Zio-media ignores this. In South Mogadishu, dead bodies of women, children and elders (as well as animals) pile up on the streets. Ethiopians kill everyone they see, and loot everything in sight. About one million people have fled Mogadishu, and are living in the African bush.
12 January 2007 – Four days after the air strikes, U.S. Special Forces soldiers parachute into the kill zones to finish off any Somali who is hobbling around alive.
23 Jan 2007 – Camp Lemonier in Djibouti is expanded again.
24 Jan 2007 – more U.S. air strikes from Camp Lemonier into Somalia.
1 Feb 2007 -- Sharif Ahmed, an ICU fighter, is released from a Kenya prison in exchange for the ICU’s release of American POWs (Marines) captured in southern Somalia at the Battle of Ras Kamboni.
6 Feb 2007 -- U.S. launches Africa Command (AFRICOM), which became fully active in October 2007, and currently operates out of Stuttgart, Germany. By 30 Sep 2008 AFRICOM will be a fully autonomous command tasked with stealing all of Africa's oil and controlling all of Africa's shipping. Camp Lemonier will become part of AFRICOM. Cheney wants the Somali city of Berbera to be AFRICOM's headquarters, because Berbera has a deepwater port, plus the longest airport runway in Africa. (NASA uses it as an emergency landing strip for the U.S. Space Shuttle.) However Cheney must first break off Somaliland from Somalia. This will happen by summer 2008.
7 June 2007 – The ICU (Islamic resistance) grants permission for CNOOC (the Chinese state oil giant) to explore for oil in part of Somalia. Cheney steps up the war against Somalia to keep the Chinese out.
October 2007 – Chinese engineers map out oil fields in the north Mudug region, 310 miles northeast of the capitol of Mogadishu.
November 2007 – the people of Ethiopia become tired of fighting Cheney’s war in Somalia. Therefore the U.S. puppet government of Ethiopia launches a brutal repression campaign, imprisoning thousands in Ethiopians, and shutting down all non-government radio stations. Cheney calls all Ethiopian dissidents “al-Qaeda,” whether or not they are Muslim. ("Al-Qaeda" is anyone on the planet who opposes the U.S. oil theft. "Hezbollah" is anyone on the planet who opposes Zionist aggression. Both have secret underground bases "all over the world.")
December 2007 -- US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visits Camp Lemonier in Djibouti. Cheney starts publicly talking about recognizing the secessionist northwestern region of Somalia (known as "Somaliland") as an independent state. This will break up Somalia in the same way the USA has broken up Iraq. Somaliland, like Kurdish Iraq, has enjoyed relative stability during the U.S.-led war against Somalia.

And so the war continues. It’s all about oil, folks -- but you knew that already.
China wants Somalia’s oil. When the USA starts to collapse, it might go to a full-scale war with China for oil. Israel will play both sides, but will secretly give most support to the side it perceives as winning.
In such a war, maybe Russia will “accidentally” drop a nuke on Tel Aviv, effectively destroying Ziostan.
When the world’s Jews protest, Russia will say, “We’re investigating the incident.”
“We are deeply sorry. We are deeply, deeply sorry. We are deeply, deeply, deeply sorry..."

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أيها الصوماليون: أنا مواطن كأي مواطن صومالي تنطبق عليه الشروط الدستورية الحقة والمشروعة للترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية، وأمثالي بالآلاف وهم مؤهلون وجديرون بها. ولأني أحب وأحترم عائلتي وحارتي ومدينتي ووطني الصومال بعربه وعجمه ومختلف طوائفه، ولأنني أقدس الإيمان بالله، وأقدس كامل حريات الشعب وحقوقه الديمقراطية كحق شرعي وكواجب وطني في مواجهة تجديدٍ فاسدٍ وباطلٍ ودكتاتوري، داعماً موقفكم الجريء بالإلتفاف حول قوى إعلان مقديشو كرافعة للتغيير الوطني الديمقراطي:- شكرا لكم / مرشح لرئاسة الجمهورية: الدكتور ياسين عبدي علي

Please Hear What I'm Not Saying

Please Hear What I'm Not Saying
Don't be fooled by me. Don't be fooled by the face I wear because I wear a mask, a thousand masks, masks that I'm afraid to take off, and none of them is me.