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Future City of Somalia


Six6 signs you're in the wrong job

Working Spirit.......
1. It's not just that they don't pay you enough, it's that they couldn't ever pay you enough to make you feel good.
People who feel underpaid always think that more money will make them feel better. Sometimes it will, but sometimes it won't. And I can prove it. If your biggest complaint about your job is the salary, consider whether an amount 10 percent higher would make you happy. Then think of a number that is 20 percent higher. If a 10 to 20 percent increase would make you feel well compensated, you're in the right job—you just need to work on getting a raise. If you could go as high as 50 to 100 percent more and still not be satisfied, then money isn't the problem and more of it won't make you feel better. It's time to find another position within the company or a new job altogether.
2. You believe that nothing you do makes the least bit of difference. .
This a demoralizing position to be in, but it's usually not the work itself that makes you feel as if you're not making a contribution. One of the world's most admired companies specializes in cleaning services, and its employees, who scrub office floors and bathrooms, believe they have reason to be proud of themselves and the work they do. You need to discover a sense of purpose. Your job is making copies? Find out who needs them and why. Or maybe you need to shift your focus to what makes you happy outside of work—traveling, playing tennis, volunteering. Then you can think of your job as the means to make those activities possible. If you still think that everything you do is meaningless, then you need to prepare for a job change—because once you believe you're wasting your time, it won't be too long before your employer believes it, too.
3. You're not learning anything.
Of all the things that can go wrong with a job, I think feeling as if you're not growing is one of the most dangerous. The market for your talents is changing every day, and unless you are evolving, too, you run the risk of becoming as obsolete as punch cards in a software world. Be vigilant if you feel you are not learning anything and your current employer is paying you more than anyone else would. That means it is definitely time to run, not walk, toward opportunities for building new skills. (A boss looking to cut workers will always target the ones who cost him more than their talents warrant.) You might register for technology courses or simply ask your current employer for new responsibilities. Concentrate on shoring up an area you feel is your biggest weakness or building on your second-greatest strength (you've probably automatically refined your strongest suit because it's something you love to do).
4. No one ever talks to you about the future in a positive way.
Many of us feel we don't get enough positive feedback. In today's fast-paced environment, managers are often so overwhelmed that they fail to notice when someone could use a little praise. But there is a difference between not getting enough compliments and not having any indication that your boss or senior managers imagine you playing an important role in the company's future (something like "You know, you would be good for job X, one step up"). If no one further up the food chain says anything to you about the future, it could be a sign that the plan is to keep you in your slot—if you're lucky, and they don't need to make cuts. Finding out that you're not on the fast track—or any track at all—can be painful, so don't press for more information than you can handle. When you're ready to deal with the worst-case scenario, ask for some time with your boss and say, "Here are two or three jobs I would like to grow into. What should I do to be ready for the next step?" If the boss says, "I think you're terrific, but the company needs to do better before we can offer you, or anyone, any opportunities," that's good news.
5. You hate your boss so much that it's hard to think about anything else.
The number one reason people give me for wanting to change jobs is that they hate their boss. But let's face it, if you have a boss, any boss, you have days when you aren't thrilled with him. The occasional incident doesn't turn a good job into a wrong job. But when every day is Boss-Hating Day, that's another story. John, for example, was working in a café with people he liked. This group had such great style that they turned what could have been just another lunch spot into the place in town. Yet their boss continually changed his mind, insulted his staff, and micromanaged and second-guessed everything they did. One day, John realized that his work menu never altered: It was always more servings of boss hatred. The only way to change the situation was to change jobs.
6. You feel that who you are at work doesn't have much to do with who you are in the rest of your life.
Little mismatches can always crop up between our individual preferences and what our job requires: Maybe it's the daily irritation of pulling on pantyhose or being forced to defend a dumb company policy. But you might discover a profound discrepancy between yourself and your company. Maybe your casual style doesn't fly in your buttoned-down workplace. Or, more seriously, you may find your ethics don't match. Just a few weeks ago I heard about a young man who was bothered by the bookkeeping practices of the family-owned business he worked for. It's not that these procedures were illegal, but he prided himself on adhering to the highest standards of ethics and these loose policies made him acutely uneasy. If you're consistently uncomfortable at your workplace—as the result of a major personality conflict or a clash of ethics—you should get ready to move on.
Best Regards
Bashir Yasin
Safety Manager- OHS
ABB Saudi Arabia
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لقمان الحكيم

اسمه : لقمان بن باعوراء ، ولقمان اسم أعجمي .
وكان عبدا أسود حبشيا من سودان مصر ، عظيم الشفتين والمنخرين ، قصيرا أفطس مشقق القدمين ، وليس يضره ذلك عند الله عز وجل ؛ لأنه شرفه بالحكمة بقوله تعالى : ( ولقد آتينا لقمان الحكمة )
وقيل : خير السودان أربعة رجال : لقمان بن باعوراء . وبلال بن رباح المؤذن : الذي عذب في الله ما لم يعذبه أحد ، وهو يقول : أحد أحد . والنجاشي : ملك الحبشة . ومهجع : مولى عمر يقال أنه من أهل اليمن ، وهو من المهاجرين الأولين وهو أول من استشهد يوم بدر.
وأول ما ظهر من حكمته : أنه كان مع مولاه ، فدخل مولاه الخلاء فأطال الجلوس ، فناداه لقمان ، إن طول الجلوس على الحاجة تنجع منه الكبد ، ويورث الباسور ، ويصعد الحرارة إلى الرأس ، فاقعد هوينا وقم . فخرج مولاه وكتب حكمته على باب الخلاء .
وقيل : كان مولاه يقامر ، وكان على بابه نهر جار ، فلعب يوما بالنرد على أن من قمر صاحبه شرب الماء الذي في النهر كله أو افتدى منه ! فقمر سيد لقمان ، فقال له القامر : اشرب ما في النهر وإلا فافتد منه ؟ قال فسلني الفداء ؟ قال : عينيك افقأهما أو جميع ما تملك ؟ قال : أمهلني يومي هذا ؟ قال لك ذلك .
قال : فأمسى كئيبا حزينا ، إذ جاءه لقمان وقد حمل حزمة حطب على ظهره فسلم على سيده ثم وضع ما معه ورجع إلى سيده ، وكان سيده إذا راه عبث به فيسمع منه الكلمة الحكيمة فيعجب منه ، فلما جلس إليه قال لسيده : ما لي أراك كئيبا حزينا ؟ فأعرض عنه فقال له الثانية مثل ذلك ، فأعرض عنه ثم قال له الثالثة مثل ذلك فأعرض عنه ، فقال له : أخبرني فلعل لك عندي فرجا ؟ فقص عليه القصة ، فقال له لقمان : لا تغتم فإن لك عندي فرجا ، قال : وما هو ؟ قال : إذا أتاك الرجل فقال لك : اشرب ما في النهر ، فقل له : اشرب ما بين ضفتي النهر أو المد ؟ فإنه سيقول لك اشرب ما بين الضفتين ، فإذا قال لك ذلك فقل له : احبس عني المد حتى اشرب ما بين الضفتين ، فإنه لا يستطيع أن يحبس عنك المد ، وتكون قد خرجت مما ضمنت له . فعرف سيده أنه قد صدق فطابت نفسه ، فأعتقه .

وهذه بعض من نصائح ومواعظ لقمان لابنه
1 - يا بني : إياك والدين ، فإنه ذل النهار ، وهم الليل .
2 - يا بني : كان الناس قديما يراؤون بما يفعلون ، فصاروا اليوم يراؤون بما لايفعلون .
3 - يا بني : إياك والسؤال فإنه يذهب ماء الحياء من الوجه .4
- يا بني : كذب من قال : إن الشر يطفئ الشر ، فإن كان صادقا فليوقد نارا إلى جنب نار فلينظر هل تطفئ إحداهما الأخرى ؟ وإلا فإن الخير يطفئ الشر كما يطفئ الماء النار .
5 - يا بني : لا تؤخر التوبة فإن الموت يأتي بغتة .6
- يا بني : إذا كنت في الصلاة فاحفظ قلبك ، وإن كنت على الطعام فاحفظ حلقك ، وإن كنت في بيت الغير فاحفظ بصرك ، وإن كنت بين الناس فاحفظ لسانك .
7 - يا بني : احذر الحسد فإنه يفسد الدين ، ويضعف النفس ، ويعقب الندم .
8 - يا بني : أول الغضب جنون ، وآخره ندم .
9 - يا بني : الرفق رأس الحكمة
10- يا بني : إياك وصاحب السوء فإنه كالسيف يحسن منظره ، ويقبح أثره .
11- يا بني : لا تطلب العلم لتباهي به العلماء ، وتماري به السفهاء ، أو ترائي به في المجالس . ولا تدع العلم زهاده فيه ورغبة في الجهالة ، فإذا رأيت قوما يذكرون الله فاجلس معهم ، فإن تك عالما ينفعك علمك وإن تك جاهلا يعلموك . ولعل الله أن يطلع عليهم برحمة فيصيبك بها معهم .
12 - يا بني : لا تشرك بالله إن الشرك لظلم عظيم .
13- يا بني : لا يأكل طعامك إلا الأتقياء ، وشاور في أمرك العلماء
14 يا بني : لا تمارينّ حكيما ، ولا تجادلنّ لجوجا ، ولا تعشرنّ ظلوما ، ولا تصاحبنّ متهما .
15 - يا بني : إني قد ندمت على الكلام ، ولم أندم على السكوت .
16- يا بني : إذا أردت أن تؤاخي رجلا فأغضبه قبل ذلك ، فإن أنصفك عند غضبه وإلا فأحذره .
17 - يا بني : من كتم سره كان الخيار بيده .
18 - يا بني : لا تكن حلو فتبلع ، ولا مرّا فتلفظ .
19 - يا بني : لكل قوم كلب فلا تكن كلب أصحابك ، قاله لابنه يعظه حين سافر .
20 - يا بني : مثل المرأة الصالحة مثل التاج على رأس الملك ، ومثل المرأة السوء كمثل الحمل الثقيل على ظهر الشيخ الكبير .


Barcelona PLAYERS

Victor Valdes Arribas
José Martín Cáceres
Gerard Piqué Bernabeu
Rafael Márquez Álvarez
Carles Puyol Saforcada
Xavier Hernandez Creus
Eidur Smari Gudjohnsen
Andrés Iniesta Lujan
Samuel Eto´o Fils
Lionel Andrés Messi
Bojan Krkic Pérez
José Manuel Pinto Colorado
Thierry Henry
Seydou Keita
Silvio Mendes Campos, Sylvinho
Gabriel Alejandro Milito
Daniel Alves da Silva
Alexander Paulavic Hleb
Éric Abidal
Touré Yaya
Albert Jorquera Fortia
Pedro Rodríguez Ledesma
Victor Sánchez Mata

ميلانيتو: لا يمكن لمباراتنا مع ميلان أن تنتهي بالتعادل السلبي

لاعب خط وسط جنوى عمر ميلانيتو يتوقع أجواء ً حماسية لمباراة فريقه ضد الميلان الأحد المقبل في ستاديو ماراسي بمدينة جنوى، حيث تُستأنف نهاية الاسبوع مباريات الكالتشو الإيطالي.
ميلانيتو صرح من خلال مؤتمر ٍ صحفي: ” أمام ميلان علينا أن نقدم 100% من ما نملكه وحتى أكثر، نأمل أن نكون في أفضل حالاتنا. نأمل أن نستغل فرصتين أو 3 فرص تضمن لنا المباراة. بالتأكيد المباراة لن تنتهي صفر لصفر، أتوقع أهداف من الطرفين. نحن سنؤدي ما علينا ونتمنى أن نحصل على نتيجة إيجابية. “

Wonderful Walcott hits historic hat-trick

Arsenal youngster Theo Walcott hit a stunning hat-trick as England romped to a 4-1 victory against Croatia on Wednesday night.The 19-year-old was a surprise inclusion in Fabio Capello's line-up for the World Cup qualifier in Zagreb but he justified the England manager's decision with an inspired display.Walcott's pace and trickery gave Croatia no end of problems and he opened his international account after 26 minutes, finding the bottom corner after Danijel Pranjic's clearance cannoned straight into Robert Kovac and fell at Walcott's feet.The Arsenal winger found himself in an identical position moments later but his cross-shot was pushed aside by Croatian keeper Stipe Pletikosa. By now Walcott was a constant menace to the hosts and Josip Simunic was booked for a cynical foul on the teenager as he surged through the middle.England's task got easier in the second half when Robert Kovac was sent off for an elbow on Joe Cole, and Walcott rounded off a slick passing move with another rasping shot into the bottom corner to double the visitors' advantage on the hour mark.Wayne Rooney made it 3-0 four minutes later and, although Mario Mandzukic grabbed a consolation for Croatia, Walcott had the final word. With eight minutes remaining the 19-year-old sprinted onto Rooney's through-ball and rolled his shot past Pletikosa to complete an historic treble.It was the first competitive hat-trick for an england player since Michael Owen bagged three against Germany in the 5-1 win in Munich in 2001. And it signalled Walcott's arrival as a true international star.

Arsenal: Player of the Month

With the exception of that blip at Fulham, August was a good month for Arsenal. Indeed, if you take Craven Cottage out of the equation, Arsène Wenger's side racked up four wins with four clean sheets and 10 goals - not bad at all.
William Gallas and Emmanuel Adebayor struck in the second half to see off FC Twente in the first leg of a tricky Champions League qualifier in Holland. The return leg was rather more comfortable with Samir Nasri, Theo Walcott and Nicklas Bendtner joining Gallas on the scoresheet. In the Premier League, Nasri needed only three minutes of his debut to score the decisive goal against West Brom and, after losing ground with that below-par display at Fulham, Arsenal got their title charge back on track with a comfortable win against Newcastle. Robin van Persie's double and Denilson's first Premier League goal accounted for the Magpies.

انا لست مهتما بالانتقال الى المان ستي

هيغوين يقول انا لست مهتما بالانتقال الى المان ستي ، وقد سأل عن لحاقه بزميله السابق روبينيو فقال :

سوف يكون هناك دائما اشاعات عني ولكن انا سعيد هنا باريال وانا باق

7 لاعبين ميلانيين سيمثلون منتخباتهم اليوم

لاعبوا الميلان الدوليين سيشاركون اليوم منتخبات بلدانهم في مباريات تصفيات كأس العالم 2010، ووفقا ً للموقع الرسمي فإن عدد اللاعبين الميلانيين الدوليين هو 7.فهناك أندريا بيرلو، جانلوكا زامبروتا سيواجهون الميلاني الآخر كاخا كلادزه في مباراة إيطاليا - جورجيا، أندريه شيفشنكو في مباراة كازاخستان - اوكرانيا، ماثيو فلاميني في مباراة فرنسا - صربيا، ماريك يانكولوفسكي في مباراة إيرلندا - التشيك ورونالدينيو في مباراة البرازيل - بوليفيا.


حفظ اللسان

احفظ لسانك أيهـا الإنسـان..........................لا يلدغنـك إنـه ثعـبـان
كم في المقابر من قتيل لسانه........................كانت تهاب لقـاءه الأقـران

حمل النفس على ما يزينها

صن النفس واحملها على ما يزينها.........................................تعش سالمـاً والقـول فيـك جميـل
ولا تـريـن الـنـاس إلا تجـمـلاً...............................................نبـا بـك دهـر أو جفـاك خليـل
وإن ضاق رزق اليوم فاصبر إلى غدٍ.....................................عسى نكبات الدهـر عنـك تـزول
ولا خير فـي ود امـريءٍ متلـونٍ..........................................إذا الريح مالت ، مال حيـث تميـل
وما أكثـر الإخـوان حيـن تعدهـم.......................................... ولكنهـم فــي النائـبـات قلـيـل


Shamaali Axmed Shamaali

Al-Fanaan Shamaali Axmed Shamaali oo isagana fanka dhawaan ka fariistay ayaa tacsi u diray Marxuum Cabdalla Nuuradiin Axmed,wuxuuna sheegay inuu soo bixitaankiisii fanka
gacan weyn ku lahaa

“Ustaad Cabdallah waxaan leeyahay allaha u naxariisto,heesaha uu sameeyay ee aan soo qaaday waxaa ka mida,Fadumooy Jaceylkaan,Amran waxay ku nooshahay agagaarka ceelgaab iyo lix hees oo kale”ayuu yiri Shamaali oo ka gaabsanayay ka sheekeynta fanka ama xasuustiisii faneed

Cumar Shooli

Fanaanka weyn ee Cumar Shooli ayaa tacsi u diray eheladii iyo qaraabadii uu ka tegay Abwaan Cabdalla Nuuradiin Axmed,wuxuuna Cumar Shooli xusay in Ustaad Cabdalla uu ka dhignaa qabiir ku xeeldheer,dhinacyada Diinta,Hal abuurka Suugaanta iyo Saxaafadda

Raxmo Ruuxi

Fanaanada weyn ee codkeeda aadka loo jecel yahay Raxmo Ruuxi,dadkana ay kala garan waayeen codkeeda iyo kii boqoradii Codka Xaliimo Khaliif Magool ayaa tacsi tiiraanyo leh u dirtay Marxuum Cabdalla Nuuradiin waxayna Nuuradiin ku sifeeysay hal abuure,xasuus ku leh bahda Fanka iyo Saxaafadda Soomaaliyeed

Warbaahinta Ingiriiska oo qorsheyneysa inay baahiso barnaamij

Warar hoosaadyo laga helayo qaar ka mida Warbaahinta madaxa banaan ee dalka Ingiriiska ayaa sheegayo inay qorsheeynayaan baahinta barnaamij xasaasiya oo lagu iftiiminaya hogaamiyeyaal ka tirsan labada garab ee Somaliya ku dagaalamaya kuwaas oo heysta dhalashada Britishka sidoo kalana qaato lacagaha Ceyrta sida ,Qoysaska aan shaqada heysan,Cuuryaannimada,waayeelnimada iyo Caruurta.

Barnaamijkaan oo loogu magacdaray “Somali Warlords are next door to you”ayey wararku sheegayaan inuu baahin doono mid ka mida telefishinada ugu afka dheer dalka UK,isagoo warbixintiisa kaga faa-iideysanayo muuqaalo uu hore u helay iyo kuwa cusub oo ka turjumayo shaqsiyaadka ka mida dagaal oogayaasha Soomaaliya ee heysta dhalashada Britishka,sidoo kalana weliba aanan xilalkooda siyaasadeed ka diiwaangelinta laanta Ceyr bixinta ee UK.
“Somali Warlords are next door to you” oo macnaheedu tahay”Dagaal oogayaasha waxay ku nool yihiin albaabka idinku dhegan” waxay ka dhigan tahay fariin siyaasadeed shacabka UK lagu dareen gelinayo,maadama micnahu tahay ,Dagaal Oogayaasha garabyada Soomaaliya waxay ku nool yihiin Ceeyrta Ingiriiska,waxayna heystaan dhalasho Britishka,sidaas daraadeed waxay wax ka degan yihiin Dalka UK.
Inkastoo hadii Barnaamijkaan si rasmiya loo faafiyo uu noqon karo mid xiisad abuuro oo ay ku baraarugaan shacabka Ingiriiska hadana wuxuu muhiimad gaara yeelan karaa hadii ay helaan films muujinayo madaxda ka tirsan dowlada federalka iyo Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta inay weli qaataan Ceeyr.
Si kastaba ha ahaatee,Dhalashada Ingiriiska waxaa heysta madax sare oo ka tirsan dowlada Federalka iyo Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta,waxaana ka mida Ra’isulwasaaraha Xukumadda Federalka Soomaaliya Col Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuurcadde),Taliyaha Ciidamadda Nabadsugida Federalka Jeneral Maxamed Warsame Darwiish,Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha ee Federalka Mudane Muusse Nuur Amiin,Wasiirka Hoowlaha guud iyo guryeynta Mudane Nuur Iidoow Beeyle,Wasiirka beeraha Mustafe Dhuxuloow,Taliye ku xigeenka boliiska Soomaaliyeed Jeneral Axmed Taajir,Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federalka Xuseen Xuubsireed,Wasiirkii hore ee Arrimaha gudaha Maxamed Maxamud Gacmodheere,Gudoomiye ku xigeenka golaha dhexe ee Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta ahna madaxa ergada wada hadalada Jabuuti Cabdi raxmaan Cabdi Shakuur,Sakariye Maxamud Xaaji Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta, Mohamed Axmed Nuur “Tarzan” Xoghayaha Xafiiska Qorsheynta iyo Tababarada Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta,Maxamed Cabdi Yusuf xubin sare oo ka mida golaha dhexe ee Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta iyo weliba hogaamiyeyaal kale oo badan kana tirsan labada garab

Muuqaalkaani waa gurigga Jeneral Darwiish ee ay ku nool yihiin qoyskiisa qaata lacagaha danyarta Dalka Ingiriiska gaar ahaan Leicester

Telefishinka Chanel4 waxaa uu sidoo kale soo bandhigayaa muuqaalka taliye ku xigeenka boliiska Soomaaliyeed Jeneral Axmed Xaashi Taajir oo isagana ku nool dalka Ingiriiska,wuxuuna muuqaalkiisa u adeegsan doonaa qaabkii uu ku degay UK iyo hoowlahii uu ka fuliyay Soomaaliya

Taliyaha Nabadsugida

Taliyaha Nabadsugida ee dowlada Federalka Jeneral Maxamed Warsame Darwiish ayuu telefishinka baahin doonaa muuqaalkiisa,muuqaalka guriga uu ka degan yahay Ingiriiska iyo weliba cadeeymo la xiriira in weli qoyskiisa qaataan lacagaha Ceeyrta loo yaqaan ee la siiyo dadka danyarta

Chanel4 Tv oo soo bandhigaya fadeexadaha Jen Darwiish,Jen Axmed Taajir iyo Gacmodheere,daawo sawiro hordhaca

Telefishinka Chanel4 ee laga leeyahay dalka Ingiriiska ayaa 24-ka saac ee soo socda 8 Fiidnimo saacada UK wuxuu bilaabayaa baahinta Ducoments film ah oo laga sameeyay Masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowlada Federalka oo heysta dhalashada British-ka ,kuna kacay tacadiyo ka baxsan xaquuqul insaanka.
Telefishinka wuxuu soo bandhigayaa guryaha ay ku nool yihiin sedexda hogaamiyeyaal oo ka mida ragga ku eedeysan ku lug lahaansho fal dimbiyeedyo dagaal.


I wish this poem

I wish this poem were pixie dust To throw into your eyes And make you see the loveliness Beneath my sad disguise. And I would take you in my arms And weave a magic spell That I could utter anytime To make you love me well. But alas my simple words Are like summer rain That drums on hills and fields and hearts, Then vanishes again. And though my love might make you bloom, You turn with fragile grace To gaze in aching loneliness At someone else's face. We lust for what we cannot have, A long, unbroken chain Of lovers who remain unloved And loved who love in vain. While I'm near mad with wanting you As trees must have the sun, You cannot help but find a love Who loves another one.

الامام الشافعى

دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء

دَعِ الأَيّامَ تَفعَلُ ما تَشاءُوَطِب نَفساً إِذا حَكَمَ القَضاءُوَلا تَجزَع لِحادِثَةِ اللَيالي فَما لِحَوادِثِ الدُنيا بَقاءُوَكُن رَجُلاً عَلى الأَهوالِ جَلداً وَشيمَتُكَ السَماحَةُ وَالوَفاءُوَإِن كَثُرَت عُيوبُكَ في البَرايا وَسَرَّكَ أَن يَكونَ لَها غِطاءُتَسَتَّر بِالسَخاءِ فَكُلُّ عَيبٍ يُغَطّيهِ كَما قيلَ السَخاءُوَلا تُرِ لِلأَعادي قَطُّ ذُلّاً فَإِنَّ شَماتَةَ الأَعدا بَلاءُوَلا تَرجُ السَماحَةَ مِن بَخيلٍ فَما في النارِ لِلظَمآنِ ماءُوَرِزقُكَ لَيسَ يُنقِصُهُ التَأَنّي وَلَيسَ يَزيدُ في الرِزقِ العَناءُوَلا حُزنٌ يَدومُ وَلا سُرورٌ وَلا بُؤسٌ عَلَيكَ وَلا رَخاءُإِذا ما كُنتَ ذا قَلبٍ قَنوعٍ فَأَنتَ وَمالِكُ الدُنيا سَواءُوَأَرضُ اللَهِ واسِعَةٌ وَلَكِن إِذا نَزَلَ القَضا ضاقَ الفَضاءُدَعِ الأَيّامَ تَغدِرُ كُلَّ حِينٍ فَما يُغني عَنِ المَوتِ الدَواءُ

شاعر الأسبوع

قَـدْ أَرَاهَـا وَسْــطَ أَتْـرَابهَا فِي الحَـيِّ ذِي البَهْـجَةِ وَالسَّـامِرِكَـدُمْيَـةٍ صُـوِّرَ مِـحْـرَابُـهَا بِمُـذْهَـبٍ فِي مَـرْمَـرٍ مَائِـرِأَوْ بِيْضَـةٍ فِي الدَّعْـصِ مَكْـنُوْنَةٍ أوْ دُرَّةٍ شِـيْفَـتْ لَـدَى تَاجِـرِيَشْفِـي غَلِيْـلَ النَّفْـسِ لاهٍ بِـهَا حَـوْرَاءَ تُصْبِـي نَظَـرَ النَّاظِـرِلَيْسَـتْ بسَـوْدَاءَ وَلا عِنْفِـصٍ تُسَـارِقُ الطَّـرْفَ إِلَى الدَّاعِـرِأَبْهَـرَةُ الـخَلْــقِ بلاخِيَّـةٌ تَشُـوْبُهُ بِالـخُلُــقِ الطَّـاهِـرِ


Meaning of LOVE!!

I’d much rather write poetryThan immerse myself in study –I’d much rather think about youThan learn something new –You – are all I need to know –Of life, the world and love


Hi All,

This is my first blog ever so let's see how it turns out. I decided to share with the world my experiences of my first and only love and growing up with it. I hope you enjoy it

In the beginning of my adolesence i loved girls. Any girl if she was pretty. This was quite understandable because it's the first romantic and sexual contact you have, you don't know what your taste is. It's not specified yet. But when you grow older and you had a few small relationships you start to prefer certain types. With me i was still quite easy i had a lot of attention from girls and i liked them based on looks. But sometimes there was an exception i would meet a beautiful girl and she would extremely interesting too. You don't know how to act, you don't always feel comfortable but you want to be with her.

Then it happens, you really, truly fall in love for the first time. You are completely blown away, you just can't stop thinking about her. You want to spend every single minut with her. For me this was the case when i was about sixteen. I was in a hamar(i am from somalia) and i saw this girl walking on a street, she was unbelievibly beautifull, i couldn't stop looking at her and i knew she noticed me. We didn't stopped at all that day. But i found out she was going to the same school as i'm. I became friends with her best friend and one night that friend was over to my place to watch a movie. And she brougt THE girl, i was shellshocked. I couldn't believe it, that girl in my house and i was going to talk to her. So i smartly positioned myself next to her and we watched the movie. This was the most uncomfortable time ever. I wanted to kiss her, talk to her, hold her, everything. But as it turned out she wasn't all that interested in me at least that's what she said. There was also a small problem because her best friend was in love with me.

i will tell rest of the story later... comment on it if i get late.....

The kingdom

p.s. My apologies for the spelling and grammar, but because i am somali this isn't my first language.


Well, i'd describe this blog as an insight into my looking glass. What I see, what i feel, and what i do, if it's important to me, i jot it down in here. Contained in this blog, is a part of me. When you read it, please understand, that the life of a golden child is not all smiles and rainbows

somali nomad girls

somali nomad girls

مرشح لرئاسة الجمهورية / الدكتور ياسين عبدي علي

مرشح لرئاسة الجمهورية / الدكتور ياسين عبدي علي
أيها الصوماليون: أنا مواطن كأي مواطن صومالي تنطبق عليه الشروط الدستورية الحقة والمشروعة للترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية، وأمثالي بالآلاف وهم مؤهلون وجديرون بها. ولأني أحب وأحترم عائلتي وحارتي ومدينتي ووطني الصومال بعربه وعجمه ومختلف طوائفه، ولأنني أقدس الإيمان بالله، وأقدس كامل حريات الشعب وحقوقه الديمقراطية كحق شرعي وكواجب وطني في مواجهة تجديدٍ فاسدٍ وباطلٍ ودكتاتوري، داعماً موقفكم الجريء بالإلتفاف حول قوى إعلان مقديشو كرافعة للتغيير الوطني الديمقراطي:- شكرا لكم / مرشح لرئاسة الجمهورية: الدكتور ياسين عبدي علي

Please Hear What I'm Not Saying

Please Hear What I'm Not Saying
Don't be fooled by me. Don't be fooled by the face I wear because I wear a mask, a thousand masks, masks that I'm afraid to take off, and none of them is me.